The One Million Masterpiece

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

To dump, to drop, to unload!

If you are as old as me and like Ben Elton then u will get the title.

Right anyways i shall say the same here as i have else where....
Im tired... really really tired... i've over stretched myself in more than one direction. Emotionally, physically and mentally, in reality and on the net... shame it didnt make me thinner

So im gonna step out of my life for a bit. Gonna go THERE and mong out until i can create a piece of art.....

Every now and again i get life overload haha. Im a girl who was born before internet and mobile phones, of being able to go somewhere and not be contacted. Im a girl who is used to waiting for things, personally i enjoy delayed gratification but with the internet etc u dont get that so much imo, it makes me wired and i end up feeling rushed! The thing is i really like the internet but there is so much to interact with i get swept away with it all and then get system overload. The net takes and takes and doesnt really give alot back unless you know what you are doing or have stacks of time in which to get it. I guess i am impacient in one way, i want to learn everything all in one go. I want to be a distant part of all the fun places on the net i like to visit. Its just i dont seem to have enough time for me, real life and the net *shrugs* Maybe i need life classes lol.

On the net is where i talk to my long distance boyfriend, keep in contact with my abroard family, its where i message my net friends, share pictures and art, learn stuff, get information see things and play to name just a few things. My computer is the window to this world, id like to be able to have two or more heads :) or even plugging the computer screen into my eyes.
Id like to be able to do all the things that i do on the net as im doing my real life stuff! Cos when im here im not in reality, and if i get behind with reality then i want to be here more to escape the backlog in real life... u keeping up? ;)
Maybe its cos i try to be in too many places that i like, why cant it all be in one place? If you go see what THERE is about then u will see why i like to escape there, its fun, u can learn things, talk to people... well ok its like reality but without the real haha.
Im just a saddo that cant deal with too much technology and do all the real arty farty stuff and family and net blah blah all in one go! so i thought i would unload that out of my head, drop it off here and then im gonna take a break from blogs and comments, clubs, communitys and the places i normally go, im gonna have a few days chill out in there. Then im gonna create some real life art. Or try at least.

The meds i have been on since May kinda block all my creativity in more ways than one... plus im wanting to be somewhere else all the time, and as much as i love my partner being in a long distance relationship isnt easy on your spirit. We get to see each other, we have a lovely time then he or i have to go again, its torture over and over... but we will make it through this and i will of learnt some life lessons along the way. Its all a test right?

Gotta go see the doc again tomorrow, cant belive its been two months since i last saw him! He still doesn't know whats best for me, but i guess i best go show my face. Not that im gonna fake how i feel just for him. Its about time they looked properly into other types of treatments for PMDD. I was actually wondering the other day how the full moon effects me. My hormones seem to play me up alot more when it is indeed a full moon or nearing one. maybe im a werewolf??

More like an old bat or something! LOL

hmm interesting... the moon does effect us in more ways than we know! im gonna have to look into this.

Quiz pinched off wild motherlightenings site ^__^

what a load of poop hehe ;)

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

thats just sad lol my life is better than a number! .... C YA!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sweetie, it sounds like you really need a time out. i'm sending you lots of energy and hope it helps. I'll miss you while your gone.

    x x x
