The One Million Masterpiece

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Day 6 week one....

I think the first day way possibly the longest in history *smiles*....Well hes done his quick tour of stop japan!

Its making me really want to go away..but you cant just do that when you are a mum :D can u?

One good thing i guess im getting to paint again....

Spoke to him in the week to which was a deffinate bonus :)

Just hope he realises how much im missing him

xxx to my traveling man *sigh* *does mushy eyes* lol

Monday, November 01, 2004

All is well....

I have absolutly nothing to report! Seems i have brain blockage when it comes to filling up the internet with stuff.....


17 days to go :( *sob*

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Tell me why... all kids seem to have snotty noses? Gross gross gross!!!

How was your day?

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Well i felt inspired by Autumn and stuff ;) so i painted a picture...Seasonal Happyness? :D

And the rain came down

Lucky i like the rain! Overly emotional today :) Only 26 days...hope it goes as fast when he is away!

I really should write down my interesting thoughts *coff* during the day before i forget them! :)

Back on pay as u go dial up so postings may be far and few between ...but i doubt it lol ;)

Truth Tree...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Rotational Loopage

Smiley happy person yea ive been doing everything in my power to get out of work today hehe, so instead i did some painting i dont know what its gonna turn out to be... it just felt really good to swirl the brush around in the paint and make marks on paper!
Went for a walk in the rain...ok so i had to go out in the rain but i took my camera ...ooooh :) I adore Autumn and have been walking past these shots ive been wanting to capture for a week or so. Walking in the drizzel was really rather cleansing, it looks so pretty when it settles on the leaves, plus you dont get too many people about when its wet :) yay! hehe (see red tree below, havent yet worked out how to add to blog where i want it to be seen! )

Went to Parents evening oooh :) the fun never stops here lol... chuffed to bits that my little girl is doing well, its always good to be told yer kid is really happy and smiley and helpful at school :D She must get that off her mum hehe.

Been going over the wonderful memorys i got on the weekend, another perk of working from home ;) You can let your mind roam whilst you skive! Priceless personal memories yes but also having a shark swim over your head and what seemed to be the bigest Gorrilla ever almost come thru the glass at the zoo...well ok he didn't but being within 3ft of him was really freaky! :) He jumped out at me honest :p Just a shame the weekends i get to spend with my man ;) can't last as long as id like...hence the thinking.

Then i guess i did do a little work... but i got to thinking about circles and loops and direction and how that interacts with your life. Might tell ya about it another time :p tired eyes *yawn*

Something for everyone?

need sleep lacking 4hrs from last night....

red be purdy :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

On the up

Well im kind of getting there...working my way round this site, its not actually as bad as i thought it was going to be :) I really need to learn html or something like it...maybe this will be my next quest? the linkage thing easy to do? eek guess the only way to find out is to try it? Anyways not tonight... just wanted to let the world know iv'e cheered up a little... its all gonna be ok *nods*... 5 months isn't that long :)

Nearly finished the write up on my phone too...whooo :D

*snore* zzzzzz

Newbie bloggage

Im new!! Time for me to wail, scream, curse and shout as i fumble my way thru the joys of a new site :)
What to expect out of me...umm stuff and nonsense? I dunno i just want a place to winge, moan and groan haha! Maybe a few links to places i find, mainly about how gutted i am + how my chest has an empty space within it, and how ill be coping till April 2005 when my b/f returns from his travels. *sigh*
Might show you some pics and stuff...i dunno lol... gotta figure my way about first!

*sigh* Wishing i could be with you babes ;) xx

just so u know its that Dink ;) lol