The One Million Masterpiece

Sunday, September 25, 2005


when i went to put my old conker boots on today my laces were already tied!
I dont think i did it and Pud cant tie laces yet... no one else lives in our house hehe wooooo

Read and Release at

Set book number 3 free today :) go me hehe

Conker count: 26

Friday, September 23, 2005

Notice to all Cats!!!

MY GARDEN IS NOT A FOOKING TOILET!!! Grrrrrr.... how would they like it if i went and took a dump in their garden eh?? lol gross.

oooh :) we didn't see this one as a caterpillar but this is what it went from and turned into...dont ask me what type of moth it is, doesnt he have a huge smile? LOL

Other news... my short term memory is rather holey, i get night sweats, im full on thirsty all the time and iv'e been dreaming and knowing it nearly every night. I just wish i could remember them! Gotta see the doc on tuesday as last weekend i realised these meds cant be working right... i kinda lost the plot and totally freaked my other half out. Not good to scare the man who u want to live with before he has moved in! hehehe
Well he asked how i was..i lied and said i was ok, but later texted him the truth, yea i was a chicken. Maybe i shouldnt of told him at all? But what with my mum away till late november and no other family to talk too i kinda wanted some support and a friendly kinda blew up in my face. I guess if you are a bloke then girly stuff is hard to understand let alone when your girl suffers from PMDD . Trust me it isnt something i would wish upon anyone. But yea saturday/sunday just gone are not days i would like to repeat, i dont think ive ever been that bad off meds let alone on them! Psycotic, paronoid, self distructive, vicious me..... dunno about him being scared Lol...i was terrified!

On another topic, Ofstead suddenly decided to spot check the school... i did not ring them. But i did write a letter about what i thought about the climbing frame/play equiptment, should get the resul
ts back soon.

i have a baby slug that lives in my front room! i should take a picture, i havent got a clue where it hides in the day, or what it eats but it stays by the window and only comes out at night. Seems happy enough so i shall leave my carpet slug alone.

Conker collection count 19

Thats it for tonight... Dink the recluse climbing back under her rock till next time.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Tying up the loose ends.... kinda

Does anyone else have problems with piles of paper? I swear it follows me about... every now and again i have to have a serious re-cycle!
I have pictures that i havent completed, thats both on paper and virtual ... letters i havent written, bills that need paying and i always leave them till the last second LOL. I have sewing that i start, and craft bits i never quite get to use...Books ive brought and never read, web pages i save and never go back and look at... things i need to do like back up my files, create a new web site, sort out my p
hotographs, finish learning to spin and speak Spanish and Japanese, how to do vector and pixel art! *faints* I have a couple of commissions i havent quite finished, a painting i promised someone like 10 months ago that i cant get my head intooh yea and a half stripped Kitchen the wallpaper just had to go (sort of)....blah blah My list is endless heehee

Can you tell me why i have a habit of starting one thing and before i finish it i move on to the next? Its a most bizarre habit that i have always done, i know im doing it and yet i dont seem to be quite able to change it lol... imo its not a bad thing from where im looking at it from. Honest guv!
So today has been tying or trying to tie up some bits...

Have i?
Well i paid my bills, and wrote a letter without using web talk or lol!! Chucked a ton of paper...ummm

yea u get the idea.....its everyone else that makes it feel like im disorganised :) i blame it on being a busy working single mum with a partner who lives half way across the country..... never enough time. LOL

My mess is part of me ;)


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Poor Pud

my baby fell off the new adventure playground thing at school today :( shes only been back 2 days!

Edit: shes able to sit down now (saturday) School said they hadnt had the play equiptment checked by health and safety...i suggested they did!

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Well today im not falling asleep as i type... lol that was soo funny!


Went to hunt a book on Friday, got so excited as it was going to be my first from the wild... no i havent gone mad see >> Books just wanna be FREE! See what I mean at: anyways i trecked all the way over to where i thought it would be... searched for it in the releases. Got all excited as we approached the shop... got to the book all the spines and...and... it wasnt there :( Someone had already got it....booo lol. I so wanted it to be there! Not to worry i had a good mooch round the market and got me a bargain, and i got to set one of my books free. Yay for me :D

I think im in can
dy heaven! i so have to try some of that stuff!

Friday, September 02, 2005


i do believe if i loose much more hair i will be bald :D

updated new cards added >>
'Dinks' Designs

sooo tired, speak 2morro cant type any moooooorrre.